Download Facebook Friends Mapper Extension software for windows from the biggest collection of windows software at softpaz with fast direct download links. Tag Archive: Download Facebook Friends Mapper extension for Chrome. This Facebook Friends Mapper extension for Chrome will Help You. Admin December 1, 2015. List of steps you need to perform to find hidden friends from Facebook. First you need to download and install Facebook Friend Mapper extension. Step 2: Next you step into your friend’s profile with whom you want to see hidden friends. You can see reveal friends option in friends tab. Step3: Select the Reveal Friends option and you will be. Download facebook friend mapper extension from chrome webstore (for chrome). Step 2: Enable extension in your browser. Step 3: Login to your facebook profile and go to friend profile which one hidden there friend list. Step 4: Now you will see a new tab named reveal friends. So you need to click reveal friends.
In the recent past, Facebook has brought more power to the users and now they can control all the information they’ve shared on their Facebook accounts. You can go to your Facebook privacy settings and limit the visibility of posts, pictures and whatnot.
Many of you would have set the privacy of your friends list as private. But this isn’t enough. A week ago, a new Chrome extension came into the limelight and it claims to reveal the hidden friends list to your friends. I tried out this tool myself and the “Only Me” option to keep your friends list hidden from the world doesn’t work anymore.
How does this Facebook Friends Mapper extension for Chrome work?
Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension fools the mutual friends feature of the Facebook and collects the hidden friends’ data of your friends and makes them public for you.
Let’s suppose a friend of yours doesn’t share his/her friends list but has few mutual friends with you. THN writes: “If, for example, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does not share his friends list with the public and neither I am on his friend list. However, I have at least one mutual friend with him. So using Facebook Friends Mapper tool I would be able to see most of his hidden Facebook friends by exploiting the ‘mutual friend’ logical flaw.”
How to use Facebook Friends Mapper extension for Chrome?
Step 1:
To see any friend’s hidden friends list, you need to download and install the Facebook Friend Mapper extension and restart the browser.
Step 2:
Facebook Friends Mapper Extension Install

Now go to your friend’s profile whom you are wishing to see the hidden friends list. You will be seeing a new (Reveal Friends) option in the friends tab.
Click on the Reveal Friends option and you will be able to see all the friends whether they are your mutual friends or not.
Warning: These kinds of extensions are not good for your web browser, I just installed them in order to make the tutorial and write about this flaw. So I won’t recommend you to use this on a permanent basis.
Note: However, to use this Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension, you must have one mutual friend with the target. It doesn’t matter if you are Facebook friends with that person or not.

If someone uses this tool, your privacy settings won’t work for that person and your hidden friends list will be exposed. I hope Facebook fixes this logical flaw before this tool goes viral.
You can install and check out the Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome extension for free.
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Easy Navigation
- 4 How To Find Someone Friend List On Facebook Who Is Hidden?
After this tutorial you can see hidden friends on facebook
Why people hide their facebook friend list?
Mostly for the security reasons. People want to avoid crimes and they want to use social Medias safely. They want to hide personal information and daily activities from social media. So social Medias added some security features to their platform. Thats why we added the tutorial for how to see hidden friends list on facebook
- Hide facebook friend list
- Daily activities hide
- Hide profile pictures
- Status hiding
- Block users
- Turn off receiving friend request and etc.
How Can Use These Features
User can limit who can see those activities. Only for family members, friends, our area users and etc. We can create closed groups. So only members saw the posts in the specific group.
How To Find Someone Friend List On Facebook Who Is Hidden?
Also read: How to find who recently visited to my Facebook profile
Method 1: Find the common friend between you and another facebook user.
- Step 1:
Find the facebook ID of your mutual friend and the person whose friend list you want to see. - Step 2:
Use below URL to find the mutual friend between you and another user. - Eg:
Method 2: Find the common friend between your one of the mutual friend and another facebook user.
Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome Extension Download
- Step 1:
Go to and login to your account. - Step 2:
Go to the friend finder page - Step 3:
Scroll down and find the mutual friend list (On the right side bar). - Step 4:
Then type the name of the person whose friend list is you want to see. Then select the friend profile from the list.

- For this you need minimum 1 friend in common. (1 mutual friend).
- In this method you only see common friends between your mutual friend and the person whose friend list you want to see.
Method 3: See all friends of a person.
Requirement for the extension work
- 1 at least mutual friend in common.
- You need to have google chrome browser.
- Disable all ad blockers and popup blockers.
- Step 1:
Download facebook friend mapper extension from chrome webstore (for chrome). - Step 2:
Enable extension in your browser. - Step 3:
Login to your facebook profile and go to friend profile which one hidden there friend list. - Step 4:
Now you will see a new tab named reveal friends. So you need to click reveal friends. Then it will start scanning for their friend list. It take few minutes. - Step 5:
When the scan is done, it will show facebook ids on all their friends in a popup window. - Step 6:
So now copy the fb id and past it after in the address bar. - Step 7:
Now you can see hidden friends on facebook…
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