Free Color Picker Tool

Use the color selector by clicking on the color square you want to use. To detect a particular color in the fields below the input hex, RGB, HSL, or CMYK value color switch; Click the color to add it to your palette. After selecting the color, copy the #code of color to use wherever you want.

Access Tool Here:- Color Selection Tool

Color Picker is a simple tool that displays hex codes as well as randomly generates palettes. See System Requirements.

  • Use now for free. Create, browse and save palettes on the go. View on the App Store. Adobe Extension. All palettes right into your workspace. Save them into your color library to have them always at your fingertips in the color picker. More than 5 colors. You all requested this feature! You can finally create palettes with less.
  • Color Picker Download for Windows: Download ColorPic the world's most popular screen color picker software and create color palettes easily. Perfect for HTML design, the best hex code tool.

Color Harmony

Color combinations are typically suitable combinations of two or more colors formed from their relationship on a color wheel. Also known as color strings, color combinations are useful when exploring potential color palettes, or can be used as a single color scheme.

Complementary colors

Colors that are directly opposite each other on the wheels are known as complementary colors. Complementary colors have a high contrast and can be very effective as accent colors when combined with a more neutral palette.

Triangular color

A triadic matching consists of three colors that are consistent with each other in color. Like complementary colors, triadic schemes are very bright with high contrast and work best when one color is dominant.

Select HTML Color Here:- Color Picker Tool

Tetradic color

The tetradic color coordinates are formed by two sets of complementary colors that are 60 degrees apart on the color wheel. Tetradic schemes are a great starting point for color leveling; Make them look good using color shades, shades and tones.

Uniform color

Similar coordinates are created by selecting colors that match a selected color. Often found in web design, similar schemes, when combined with complementary colors, can offer a lot of commitment.

Pick Color Here:- Online Color Picker Tool

Neutral colors

Neutral schemes, like similar coordinates, are made with colors on either side of a chosen color but at half distance. While similar schemes typically use colors other than 30 degrees, 15 degrees different colors are used in a neutral combination.

Colors, shades and tones

Color shades, tints and tones are created by combining black, white and gray in the chosen color, respectively. They can be very useful in web design for background and typography, and are often combined with a complementary color to contrast. Try them with your color using the drop-down menu under the color picker.

Select HTML Color Here:- Free Color Selection Tool

Shades of color

Adding black to different levels of color gradually produces darker shades, or ‘shades’, of that particular color. Shade links work well for hover effects, or as a footer and header background.

Color color

The color white is made by adding white, resulting in lighter versions. The tips can also be used for CSS hover effects, and the models perform well as background.

Color tone

Tones are created by combining gray with color, depending on what level of gray is used. Less common in web design can be useful for typographic elements such as typing, quotes, or highlights.

Select HTML Color Here:- Free Color Selection ToolOnline

Instant Eyedropper is a free color detection tool for webmasters that will identify and automatically paste to the clipboard the HTML color code of any pixel on the screen with just a single mouse click.

Save your time


Identification the color code of an object on the screen is usually an involved, multistep process:
You press the Print Screen key to copy a screenshot to the clipboard, load a graphics-editing program, create a new file, paste the screenshot from the clipboard, zoom in on the object, use the 'Pick Color' tool, and finally copy the HTML code of the color to the clipboard.

Webmasters may repeat this operation many times a day. Just imagine how much time can be saved by using Instant Eyedropper to do the same thing With a Single Click!

How it works

  1. Move the mouse pointer to the Instant Eyedropper icon in the system tray.
  2. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the pixel whose color you want to identify.
  3. Release the mouse button.

That's it. The clipboard now contains the color code - in HTML format (or any other format that you have previously specified). It can be pasted and used in any text or HTML editor or the Color Picker tool of Photoshop.

Download Instant Eyedropper (530KB) or Portable Version (300KB)

Free Color Picker Tool

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